

Buying a business is a significant move for companies looking to grow their influence and expand their market share. But if done haphazardly, the risk can greatly outweigh the reward.

That’s why you need an experienced M&A professional to help you manage the process, so you can focus on your business. At Sloan Capital, we will:

  • Connect you with a wide range of potential targets — Through our extensive experience, we have built a large global network of contacts and can help companies identify a diverse range of potential acquisition targets that they may not have been aware of otherwise. Sloan Capital is a conduit to the Americas

  • Raise capital/secure financing — Use that same network to find sources of financing, whether through debt or equity, to make your M&A dreams a reality.

  • Structure and negotiate the deal — Expertly and confidentially ensure that the terms of the merger or acquisition are favorable to your company. We’ll also navigate the complex due diligence process and ensure that all regulatory requirements are met.

If you’re in the market to buy a business (or you’re simply thinking about it) and need advice or assistance, please contact us today.

Buying a Business with J. Sloan & Co.